Great tips to increase the resale value of your car

Increase Car Resale Value Here’s some great tips to increase car resale value. You may have owned your precious vehicle for only one year and are so pleased with its performance that you have plans to keep it for many a long year yet. Don’t let that keep you from planning for the distant future

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Buying a car in Perth on a tight budget

Buying a car in Perth on a tight budget flyer

Car Buyers Perth Car buyers Perth. Most of the world’s population live on limited financial means. This pretty much means that chances are, you are on a tight budget. It just comes with the territory of not being wealthy. And every now and then one needs to buy a car. The mixture of needing a

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How to Get Cash for Junk Cars?

Cash for junk Cars Perth, WA flyer

Junk Cars Equal Money Junk cars equal money. Nothing escapes the marches of time. Everything succumbs to accumulate wear and tear. A prime example of this terrible truth is the humble machine. Automobiles kick the bucket when the amount of repairs which need to be done to keep them running becomes more expensive than buying

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Pros and Cons (Part 2): Buying a Used Car


Buying Used Cars Buying used cars? For the vast majority of people, buying a brand new car simply isn’t an option. But if funds are low and that timely lotto wins still hasn’t occurred yet, the financially responsible choice when it comes to purchasing vehicles is to go used. Of course, used cars aren’t terrible

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Pros and Cons (Part 1): Buying a New Car


New Car Buy New car buy. Every once in a while it comes time to buy another car, usually to replace an old one that has begun showing signs of imminent death. Most people will have to opt instead for buying a used car online. But the experience of buying a freshly minted automobile from

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What can I negotiate when buying a used car?


Negotiating Used Cars Negotiating used cars. Most people have to go through the struggle of buying a decent car which will get them from point A to point B. Unfortunately, the process is not a simple one. Let’s discuss haggling, the ability to bargain persistently for a lower price on the vehicle you want. Negotiating

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4 tips for buying a car


4 Tips Buying Used Cars In everyone’s life, there comes a time when for whatever reason, one needs to buy a car. It’s arguably one of the most important investments you will make. Unless you’re super rich. But let’s say you’re not. It’s always important to remember the level of risk in the purchase of

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